It is still an accurate record of my activities, but hasn't been updated since circa end-of-2019. See my current about page or get in touch with me if you'd like an update :).

Louis Goessling
Big Nerd

Louis Goessling
Big Nerd
I'm a student at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (UMTC.) I will be a freshman-by-age during the 2019-2020 academic year, but it will be my third year enrolled full-time at the University (the first two through PSEO.) I am passionate about technology and Computer Science, especially systems and languages topics.
I am the Systems Administrator at the Association for Computing Machinery student chapter at UMTC. I'm currently working with the MELT group there on extensible languages. I did FIRST FRC Robotics for seven years. I'm an Eagle Scout, Ultimate Frisbee player, cyclist, and metalcasting hobbyist.
I'm familiar with web dev and server hosting, interpreter and programming language internals, networking and protocols, compilers and machine architecture, and even low-level OS development. I'm technically fluent, capable of using many common software packages on Linux and Windows. I know my way around electronics and computer hardware.
College of Science and Engineering
(Previously PSEO)
Cumulative GPA: 4.000*
Graduated June 2019 with High Honors
Cumulative GPA: 3.870*
Computing Leadership Athletics Accolade Academic | ||
Fall 2018 - Ongoing | Elected Systems Administrator for the Association for Computing Machinery student chapter at UMTC |
Spring 2019 - Ongoing | Awarded Undergraduate Research Fellowship with the MELT group at the University of Minnesota |
Spring 2019 | Earned Eagle Scout (with Gold Palm) |
Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017 |
Earned University of Minnesota CCE Deans List (4x) |
Summer 2018 | Awarded NSA Scholarship to attend Cybersecurity Engineering program at Embry-Riddle Aerospace University |
Fall 2016 - Fall 2017 |
Elected Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for Boy Scout Troop 187 |
Fall 2017 | Organized CodeDay Minneapolis, including sponsorship and day-of management |
Spring 2017 | Awarded AP Scholar with Distinction |
Spring 2017 | Won Best Game and MVP at CodeDay Spring 2017 as part of a team that built a networked space dogfighting game |
Spring 2017 | Won first place in the Spring 2017 CodeCup as part of Minneapolis team |
Winter 2016 | Won Best Game at CodeDay Winter 2016 as part of a team that built a cooperative multiplayer tetris game using custom UDP networking |
Summer 2016 | Attended Boy Scouts National Youth Leadership Training at Greywolf |
Spring 2016 | Placed #10 at the North Star Regional on FRC team 2129 as Software lead |
Spring 2016 | Deans List Semifinalist at North Star Regional |
Spring 2016 | Won State Division IV in Ultimate Frisbee on Washburn Wolfpack |
Spring 2015 | Awarded AP Scholar with Honor |
Winter 2015 | Won Best Overall at CodeDay Winter 2015 as part of a team that built a yelp clone for trick-or-treating |
Winter 2013 | Selected as poster presenter at PyCon 2013 for serpint (below) |
Winter 2011 | Won second place in the 13-and-under category of the 2011 Raspberry Pi international summer code contest for a hardware control toolkit called serpint |
- Expert-level understanding of Python and C
- Comfortable with Linux and Systems Administration
- Familiar with Java, OCaml, C#, and HTML/JS/CSS
- Experience with Flask, Postgres and SQLAlchemy; LLVM, clang and GCC
- Strong grasp of programming principles that I can apply across languages
Interesting projects:
- Designed an object-oriented systems programming language called Orth and built a compiler for it in Python utilizing the LLVM backend. It generates executables that run on Windows, Linux, and Android. Created a self-hosting compiler (Orth compiler written in Orth) for the language
- Used Orth to build a simple Operating System from scratch using only x86 assembly and Orth. It has VESA framebuffer support, keyboard input, support for a number of x86 features, and is capable of running simple programs like snake and a rudimentary 3D raycaster on real hardware
- Contributed to launch OMGTransit at a Minneapolis Hackathon
- Maintained DangIt and Entropy for a time, two mods for the popular video game Kerbal Space Program, which together have tens of thousands of downloads
- Built a variable-width bit-coding huffman tree compression codec in C that utilizes an embedded Python interpreter to run a tree-optimization genetic algorithm. Can beat out GZip and Windows Zip by up to 10% in some nontrivial edge cases
- Built a USB keyboard compatibility layer between the keyboard for an IBM ActionWriter 1 electric typewriter and a modern PC. This involved reverse-engineering it's undocumented hardware interface and building a hardware adapter out of an Arduino Leonardo and off-the-shelf chips
Not Programming
Competed in FRC Robotics for seven years - since I was in middle school
- Team 3699 (Spring Lake Park Panthinators), 2129 (Sourthwest Ultraviolet) and 2549 (Washburn Millerbots)
- Lead Programmer for those teams over seven years. Converted them from LabVIEW to Java
Member of the open and affirming Boy Scout Troop 187 for 7 years
- Earned Eagle Scout with Gold Palm
- Member of the Order of the Arrow, served as the troop's Assistant Senior Patrol leader and Troop Guide
- I have completed National Youth Leadership Training at Grey Wolf, and hold Red Cross certification for CPR and Wilderness First-Aid
I've taken an unusual track through school:
- Attended an alternative program - The Lighthouse at Spring Lake Park high - for middle school, where I got an early start on AP classes
- Took advanced classes at Washburn, including AP and IB courses
- Took a Graduate-level Computer Programming class at the Minneapolis Community and Technical College my Sophomore year of high school
- Enrolled full-time at the University of Minnesota for the last two years and am taking 5000-level CS classes there
- Worked with high-altitude ballooning through the AEM program at UMTC. As part of a ballooning class I worked on a scientific payload that was launched to 100,000' to measure radiation in the upper atmosphere
- Bought 300lbs of coal and built a aluminum-casting and blacksmithing forge in my backyard, used this to create cast-aluminum art and robot parts
Accounts: GitHub, Keybase, LinkedIn.
GPG key fingerprint: D351 334F 0334 9C3B 8D99 4780 6156 C7B5 BA78 9EA7.