
About Me & Contact Info

Hi, I'm Louis. I'm an Embedded Software Engineer at Entropic Engineering and general-purpose nerd.

I graduated from the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities, 2023) with a B.S. in Computer Science. I also got a minor in Philosophy and a minor in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. I think it is important to understand the context of the field you work in. When I was there I did some work with the MELT research group, and was sysadmin at the ACM chapter there.

I'm involved with BSA Troop 187 as an adult Scouter and have been Summer Camp Director a couple times now. I am an Eagle Scout. Troop 187 is an open and affirming troop and has welcomed LGBTQ+ members and leaders since long before BSA National.

In my spare time I like (live) music, cycling, reading, canoeing, infrastructure, and camping.

Email: louis@goessling.com.

Services: GitHub, LinkedIn. I am KF0CGO on the air.

GPG key fingerprint: D351 334F 0334 9C3B 8D99 4780 6156 C7B5 BA78 9EA7. You can send encrypted email to my normal address/es

SSH key SHA256 fingerprint: Nbt3OHwV+QByUjfRAjiCXlQ4nK7l+XPEc4d+ATCVCBI.

Signal contact information available upon request.

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